Dear La Playa Park family-- I had fun playing with boulders sharing thoughts and bouncing ideas off every person I encountered last Saturday, I hope to return sooner rather then later with more boulders and time. Placing boulders at the garden, patio, and stone wall side of the park (south end) I hope would balance the overall vision of the project. I would love to help construct the dry stack stone wall and teach anyone who's interested to learn this lost art/craft. Keep this in mind. My best to all! Matt Driscoll
On short notice we raised a power crew of 10. Peter, Bill and Justin dug a trench of rock and compacted sand 80 feet long. The rest of us organized the new tool shed, blocked out the courts, laid piping, and installed 5 new granite stone benches. I think La Playa Park is shaping up to become a unique San Francisco landmark. The good times are behind us and ahead of us. I encourage everyone to participate and enjoy.
All the Best, Steve Ward PS; We are engaging the SF State U. engineering dept. with the hope of powering LP with wind and solar. We also have sign ons from an award winning videographer and an electrician whose done a preliminary study and design. |