Might it be possible to have bike racks on the corner
by the Muni restrooms? What about across the street by the public restrooms....from the men's restroom down to the semi circle cement sitting area. These spiral bike racks look like waves can come pre painted blue, aqua or any color and fit into the ocean theme. Might it be possible to re-do the cement sidewalk in front of the semi circle and have the cement contain a "carville Falcons cycling Club insignia" engraving? Could the landscaping be changed so that there is a terraced ampitheater seating area above the existing semi circle? A place for cyclists, runners, walkers, visitors, readers to sit or people watch activities in La Playa Park. Can the story of Carville be posted on a freestanding sign on the side of the Muni restrooms? Now, this next idea is out there, but, is it possible to have one of the trucks (?) that flattens/moves the sand on Ocean Beach be utilized once to push the Ocean side Great Highway dunes down to beach level so the remaining dune is flush with walking path at Kirkham and Lawton? The dunes have gotton so high that winds now blow too much sand up the streets, destroying all plants during windy times. Plant ice plant rather than grass on leveled dunes so that new sand does not climb up grass and create new, high dunes. Also, homeless people sleep in these high dunes so leveled dunes might make it more safe for neighborhood.
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